Monday, April 11, 2011

Essential Equipment for Ski Vacation

Planning to visit Vermont? Or going for a ski sport at Mount Snow? The Vermont Inn and Mount Snow has some tips to share with you, before you leave for your ski vacation. We would like to help you with your ski vacation packing. Your ski gear can make your ski vacation packing look a tedious task. But you need not worry as we here provide you with some tips to a ski vacation packing.

How to pack for Ski vacations?

While going on a ski vacation, one very basic thing is that you are going for skiing so it is pretty obvious that owing to snow, the weather will be cold enough. So while packing for ski vacation you have to remember the snow and choose your clothing's accordingly.

Tips-1: Going for skiing so the first thing you need to pack is your skiing gear. The ski gear has many things and to make sure that you do not forget anything pack your ski gear in the order you wear. First pack your base layer (your long underwear), then mid layer (a sweater or polo neck), then the insulating layer (a fleece jacket) and finally your ski jackets and pants. Again how many clothes to pack depend on the number of days of vacation?

Tips-2: Then pack your ski accessories- ski socks (at least two pairs), ski helmet, two pairs of mittens or gloves, goggles and a neck gaiter. Basic things like sunscreen, handkerchiefs are a must and need not to be mentioned specifically.

Tips-3: You are going for a ski but you won't be on the slopes 24X7, so you need to pack clothes accordingly. The other clothes are totally left to your choice, however warm clothing is advised. Do not forget to pack good shoes that will help you stay stable on the ice.

Tips-4: Next comes packing ski equipment. Now if do not prefer to carry much load while travelling you can opt for rental ski equipment. You just need to check with your ski resort about the rentals and availability of the equipment.

Tips-5: If you are flying down to your destination make sure that you pack you ski equipment well and write your name and address correctly on the bags.

Tips-6: One big blunder that will ruin your vacation will is forgetting your booked tickets, rentals receipts, etc. See to it that in the haste and hurry and all the excitement you do not forget the tickets at your place. Place these tickets in your handbag or wallet and do not forget to take photocopies of the same.

Tips-7: Last but not the least; very important thing is first aid kit. You should have your first aid kit always with you when you travel.

Some Extra tips:

1. Making a list of goods to be packed is a good idea. This will help to pack your goods peacefully.

2. Everyday items, like tooth brush, soap, shaving kit, etc. are a must. You cannot live without these.

3. You will need a suitcase, ski bag and a handbag for this packing.

Go ahead plan you ski vacation. These tips will help you to pack for you ski vacation.