Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Make a Memorable Camping with Family
If you want to have a memorable camping trip with your family and friends, it is important to make sure the trip is planned well so it will be as successful and enjoyable as possible. Having fun in the outdoors with the ones that you love is easy when your trip goes according to plan and will provide memories that will last a lifetime. The most important part of your plan is to make a camping checklist; this will make sure you have the right equipment on hand. There is nothing worse than getting to your destination and finding out you left something very important behind.
A Family camping tent is number one on the list. Along with other items like sleeping bags, flashlights, food and a first aid kit. You can make your own list or download one of the many lists available on the internet, doing a quick search for "Camping Checklist" will yield many results. Choose one that fits your needs and print out the list for easy access.
You also need to find that perfect camping spot for you. This will be your home away from home for a few days and should be special. Talk to friends and relatives for ideas on where to setup camp, they can be a wealth of information. You can also search the internet for state or national parks that may be close by. There are also lots of private campgrounds that may have amenities like swimming pools or general stores that are not found in Government run parks.
Be sure to bring along plenty of games such as Frisbee, a softball and gloves, badminton rackets and net or even horseshoes. If you have open areas around your campground, things like kites or remote controlled toys can provide lots of fun.
More tips to make your family camping trip memorable:
1. Practice setting up your tent, if you have never done so, you need to be familiar with the process.
2. Walk around the campsite, cleaning up pieces of broken glass, small sticks or other debris, this will keep injuries to a minimum.
3. Set boundaries and guidelines for your children and show them the distance that they can safely venture from the site.
4. Take lots of pictures and video so you are able to share your trip with others; don't forget to bring extra batteries.
Once your camp site is setup, you and your family can now begin relaxing and enjoying time together. Nighttime can come all too quickly, but this time of the day can be very special too. Starting a campfire and roasting marsh mellows is great fun for the whole family. Be safe and never build your campfire to close to the family camping tent and ensure that your children do not get too close. Sitting around the campfire is also a great time to tell stories or just talk about what really matters to your family. Having a fun filled trip is what it is all about; this will make lasting memories for you and your family.